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January 25 2014 9:00:26 PM
Best Solution for online business owners
EGNSoftware is the best Solution for online business owners, We offering the quality and reliability of Softwares/ Php Scripts with cheap prices, Our specialization is developing php scripts for Multi Level Marketing/MLM, Network Marketing, Online Shop, Affiliate/ Reseller and other kind of internet marketing businesses. EGN Software is the best solution for small/ medium/ big companies to run profitable online businesses with lower cost! Most of network marketing companies have a hardship experience of trying to make a decision on their network marketing software. Our rich feature softwares provides a great deal of automation and flexibility, allowing for almost hands free management of your online business. Our Network Marketing scripts are the best solution for both corporate businesses and web entrepreneurs to handle various activities of your professional business. Our MLM and Network Marketing Softwares/ Scripts provide automation and flexibility, featuring customizable template driven webpages, full payment and transaction integration. Auto generate and personalize members referral page, full admin area for complete control over your program and members, multiple produc... 
January 25 2014 8:59:57 PM
Superb Network Marketing Software
egSuperBusiness with Online Shopping or Repeat Order for your members, A Superb Software for your Super Business! If you want to sell products online with multi-level marketing system, then egSuperBusiness + Shop is the right software for your business. Work with powerful Network Marketing Payplan (Pass-Up, Pool Bonus, Sponsor Bonus, Level Bonus/Matrix, etc...) and Advertising Program (Paid to Surf, Paid to Click, Paid to Watch, Classified ads, Text ads, Banner Ads, Solo ads). All those features can be run on your website. You as an Interpreneur will be greatly helped to provide product or services to offer, Use the Advertising Program as your product & services while give your members more income streams from the Network Marketing Plans. General Features Online shop: Sell your products online, ability to sell products to your members (Repeat order) and give them shopping bonus for each sale. Multi Membership/ Enrollment packages: with unique configuration for each membership type such as Subscription cost, Rewards, Sponsor commissions, Matching bonus, etc... Great Network Marketing Plans: Revolving matrix, VIP matrix, Regular matrix, Pool bonus, Pass-up bon... 


Egn Software :
egSuperBusiness - Build your own Super Business!
" egSuperBusiness with Online Shopping or Repeat Order for your members, A Superb Software for your Super Business! If you want to sell products online with multi-level marketing system, then egSuperBusiness + Shop is the right software for your business. Work with powerful Network Marketing Payplan (Pass-Up, Pool Bonus, Sponsor Bonus, Level Bonus/Matrix, etc...) and Advertising Program (Paid to Surf, Paid to Click, Paid to Watch, Classified ads, Text ads, Banner Ads, Solo ads). All those features can be run on your website. You as an Interpreneur will be greatly helped to provide produ... "

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